My NETHERWORLD Story: Adelaide James

Hi Netherworld people! My name is Adelaide James and my story is short, but not so sweet I guess. I LOVE NETHERWORLD!!! I was always so scared of going to haunted houses but my friends talked me into going. They first time I went I had a panic attack and almost cried and wouldn’t go near any of the creatures in the parking lot. But then I realized how much fun it is getting scared with your friends. So 2 weeks later I went with another group of friends, and I loved going as much as the first time. ALTHOUGH, at the end of DEAD SALVAGE, we got attacked by the chain saw guys. Well….. My friends freaked out, pushed me over onto the ground, trampled me, and ran away. I felt like I was out for about 20 seconds when I wake up and one of the chain saw guys is revving his chain saw in my face. So I get up, and I am mad cause my friends ditched me, look at the guy, say to him,” Don’t start with me!” And I walk away. And that is my Netherworld story!

This is the 15th Anniversary of NETHERWORLD Haunted House and we want to hear YOUR NETHERWORLD Story! Send your experiences to and if we post them on the NETHERWORLD Blog you will receive a special thank you gift. Your story can be any length but we prefer 200-500 words, and include a picture if you have one. Please also include your email and other contact info with the story.

My NETHERWORLD Story: Island Chance

In 2006 I went to Netherworld for the first time of my life I was too scared to even go in. Many weeks later I went and made it through all 3 haunts. After that I started to come into contact with some of the Netherworld staff (Netherspawn) and then my attendance in going to Netherworld increased rapidly, in 2007 I went 1 time, in 2008 I went 2 times, in 2009 I went 3 times ,and in 2010 I went 6 times. In 2010 I also made connections with a lot of the Netherspawn. I became aware how all of the customers were important to Netherworld and the Netherspawn. In 2011 I am getting excited about a job and the worlds best haunt and I thank every customer and Netherspawn for all you do for U.S.A’s #1 haunt and I leave this message in a few great pictures of my great times with the staff and great times at the Haunt

Island Chance

This is the 15th Anniversary of NETHERWORLD Haunted House and we want to hear YOUR NETHERWORLD Story! Send your experiences to and if we post them on the NETHERWORLD Blog you will receive a special thank you gift. Your story can be any length but we prefer 200-500 words, and include a picture if you have one. Please also include your email and other contact info with the story.

Rock and Roll Monster Bash!

NETHERWORLD joined other horror fans in the blazing heat today at the Rock and Roll Monster Bash held at the Starlight Drive-In.
Here are a few pictures of our booth and some of our monsters!


Earths last defenders were being slaughtered. With the eternal darkness of the Blood Night wrapping the world in a fetid mist, gargoyle swarms and other foul monsters continued the hunting and subjugation of the human race. As hordes of evil creatures emerged from the NETHERWORLD, the Illuminati Warriors who opposed them fell swiftly in battle to the savage beasts. Then the most deadly blow of all was struck . With the tolling of ominous bells came the rulers of the NETHERWORLD, the dread NIGHTMARE KINGS! These powerful THINGS seemed at first glance to be little more than gaunt, ancient, fanged and taloned ghouls wrapped in burial shrouds. But they possessed dark powers to warp reality, to change their very forms and summon the living nightmares of any who would dare confront them. Commanding armies of massive war beasts, these specters glided like noxious gray shadows over the landscape, hunting human survivors and feasting on their deepest fears before consuming their souls.

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NETHERWORLD Announces Theme For Basement Show – RAW MEAT

NETHERWORLD Announces Theme For Basement Show – RAW MEAT

Deposition part 5 of Beckman Surveyors v. United Water and Sewage.

Lyle Taylor, Mechanical Engineer, Beckman Surveyors

The problems with Area 16 of the county water system were well known. Years of decay and neglect in the old tenement buildings had caused multiple water mains to burst leading to erosion and building collapses. The out flow of several nearby factories created a toxic soup made worse by the draining blood and waste from the nearby slaughterhouse. Even in the coldest winters the sewer and abandoned subways systems were warm, a chemical reaction caused by the rotting organic matter that choked them. It probably would have gone on like this for years more if it was not for the nasty stench and the steam that poured from nearby manholes. And then of course the disappearances began.

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