The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 3 Tomophobia

The Nightmares cuts through to your inner fears…

Tomophobia – an irrational fear of surgery – can prove to be a particularly powerful phobia. As surgery is most often necessary to remedy some form of ailment or injury, finding oneself unable to confront this fear could cause further physical harm in addition to the psychological trauma associated with tomophobia. It could eventually cause one to avoid needed medical care altogether, jeopardizing the well-being of the victim.

The Mangler may actually be the living embodiment of tomophobia. Working deep within the bowels of NETHERWORLD Haunted House’s The Nightmares, this brilliant surgeon-turned-serial killer is devoid of physical or emotional sensation. He seems to derive some great purpose in life through the search for emotions in the tortured flesh of his victims, performing unspeakable experiments and procedures in the process. Creating a massive army of zombie/cyborg warriors, he now works to defeat the NETHERWORLD invaders so that he may continue to harvest mankind for his gruesome surgical studies.

A repulsive end product of his own machinations, The Mangler knows no mercy. One look at his scarred and mutilated form demonstrates his dedication to his craft. He is relentless in his pursuits, always seeking new subjects with which to further his goals. To know him is to know terror, pure and malevolent. Working alongside the forces of the Illuminati, he now seeks to defend mankind, although his intent is far from benevolent .

His creations wander about NETHERWORLD, hideous and misshapen. They stand as living(?) reminders of the horrifying extent of this madman’s “science”, and serve as a warning to any and all who wish to avoid having their natural forms altered through surgical means. Anyone who feels tomophobia is an irrational fear need look no further than The Mangler for proof that this is one phobia that is completely valid…

The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 2 – Rhypophobia

Raw Meat drags you down to the deepest levels of dread…

Roach Pair NETHERWORLD Haunted House

For the average human being, cleanliness is a top priority. Remaining clean and free of dirt or debris in our life is a constant, as we strive to maintain a higher quality of life and a healthier status quo. But for the Rhypophobiac – one suffering from an irrational fear of filth or dirt – this challenge becomes a never-ending battle, as the very thought of coming in contact with anything unsanitary can bring about unspeakable trauma.

Imagine then, if you will, the hapless rhypophobiac plunged into the deepest recesses of NETHERWORLD Haunted House’s Raw Meat, a ghastly labyrinth of sewers overrun with the very dregs of the underworld. Giant living cockroaches, deadly snakes, monstrous alligators and more inhabit the reeking filth that makes up this nightmare realm of depravity. The bones of surface dwellers lured below for sinister means litter the area, and hideous creatures spawned by a science most foul crave more. Gruesome decay is the very lifeblood of this terrifying journey into the aftermath of years of neglect and industrial mishap.

Whether you have a slight aversion to dirt or a full-blown rhypophobia in the face of filth, Raw Meat is certain to stir up deep-rooted feelings of despair and leave you fleeing for your life. And headed for the showers…

The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number One – Mazeophobia

Get lost in your fear at NETHERWORLD Haunted House…

Halloween is a time for fears. The very iconography of the season is derived from the various things, both real and fantastic, that elicit reactions of dread from within our psyche. Spiders and skeletons and bats and black cats all lend an air of unearthly nervous tension to the impending chill of the autumn nights…

The legions of Netherspawn who inhabit NETHERWORLD Haunted House are masters of fear. Lurking amongst the shadows of each nook and cranny of the country’s leading haunted attraction, the Netherspawn have spent ages unlocking every conceivable method of prompting screams, shrieks and shrill pleas for mercy from the unsuspecting throngs of visitors who pass each season through the iron gates that lead into the darkest depths of terror. Wary be the unfortunate soul who manages to find himself lost inside the labyrinthian chambers of NETHERWORLD Haunted House, for there are evils within that prey upon the very nature of human fears.

Perhaps you actually suffer from Mazeophobia – the irrational fear of getting lost. Imagine yourself wandering aimlessly throughout the twisting, turning catacombs of NETHERWORLD, blindly inching further and further into the dark heart of this gateway to the underworld. Your only hope of overcoming your phobia is to confront it head on, but how is such a thing possible when you are being misdirected and herded along toward certain danger by unimaginable creatures whose only goal is to feed off your fear. Every step you take may be placing you that much closer to safe haven. Or deeper into despair.

As you find yourself feeling your way around a seemingly endless hall of mirrors, or cautiously stepping through an ancient cemetery populated with statuary that seems to gaze right into your soul, or plunged into an immense swamp overgrown with growth both natural and supernatural, the overwhelming sense of terror swells within your rational mind. It pushes you forward in a desperate attempt to break away from what may certainly be your most frightening demise – an eternity spent futilely searching for an escape from impending madness.

Should you feel brave enough to stare fear in the face and take control of your own fate, we invite you to enter NETHERWORLD Haunted House and experience a taste of mazeophobia not found in the daylight world of the living…

Every week we will introduce you to a new fear that can be found in NETHERWORLD Haunted House, a terrifying countdown to Halloween!
Will yours be next?

Haunt Updates!

New short themes for NETHERWORLD 2011 with clues on rooms and effects…

They Know What Scares You!

The armies of Gargoyles had begun the total destruction of our world and now their ancient masters, the NIGHTMARES, are here to finish it! Primordial clawed and fanged things wrapped in tattered robes, the NIGHTMARES could also shape-shift into any form to greedily hunt human prey. Could the coalition of Vampires, Illuminati Warriors, and their freshly raised army of Zombies stand against the NIGHTMARES and the other monstrosities of the NETHERWORLD?

We dare you to discover the answer by experiencing the NIGHTMARES, the final chapter of the Blood Night Saga this Halloween season at the Legendary NETHERWORLD Haunted House during its terrifying 15th Anniversary!

New Features for 2011

Brutal Illuminati War Machines! The Blind Burrower! The Head Hunters Trophy Hall! The Snake Infested Voodoo Shack! The Mangler’s Reanimation Chamber! Buried with the Ancients! Ectoplasmic Portals! Crushing Columns! More creatures crawling, flying and slithering after you than ever before – experience a swarm of phobias unleashed by the NIGHTMARES – They know what scares you!


Your Flesh is What They Need!!!

The County Water Management system has a problem. Their workers keep disappearing, and lots of strange things are clogging the drains. Snakes, gators and human bones! Now you will explore the sewers and abandoned tunnels and learn the truth about what dwells below – In NETHERWORLDs dark basement you will discover cannibals, giant alligators and worse in RAW MEAT!

New Features for 2011

Travel to your Doom on a Runaway Train! Infestations of Insects! Collapsing Floors! The Gator Spawning Pool! The Meat Conveyor! The Trog Tunnels! The Steam Pipes! GatorZilla! If you fear the things that swim, skitter and stalk the darkness you will lose your mind in NETHERWORLDs RAW MEAT!

Check Out The NETHERWORLD Network!

Welcome to the NETHERWORLD of Horror, Halloween and Haunted Houses!
Check out these 10 websites devoted to all things creepy.
And the fun continues… New updates occur to the NETHERWORLD Network every day, so check back often!