Dragoncon Parade!

Dragoncon is coming soon! http://dragoncon.org/
We are proud to Sponsor the Dark Fantasy Track again this year, and be sure to catch us in the Dragoncon Parade Saturday morning. We have some BIG things in store!

When: Saturday, September 3, 10:00 AM

Where: Downtown Atlanta GA. Our route, about a half mile long, goes north on Peachtree Street from Woodruff Park at Auburn Avenue to the Hyatt Regency at Baker Street. It continues onto Baker and ends on Courtland Street at the Marriott Marquis back entrance.

Here is a video of last years NETHERWORLD Parade group!

The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 4 Statue Phobia

The NIGHTMARES leaves you stone cold with terror…

Walking through NETHERWORLD Haunted House’s The NIGHTMARES, you quickly experience the sensation of being watched. Inhuman eyes gaze at you from every corner, as creatures both familiar and previously unseen by mortals lie in wait for the precise moment to make their presence known. At each turn you encounter towering statuary, looming overhead like eternal guardians protecting the barrier between the mortal realm and the supernatural forces that would enslave mankind. You tread carefully beneath the stone shadows, uncertain as to whether or not you just saw a pair of chiseled pupils follow as you pass…

Statue Phobia – an irrational fear of statues – can produce tremendous terror in the mind of one who suffers from this particular dread. Proximity to any lifelike sculpture can bring about perspiration, accelerated heartbeat, nervous anxiety or possibly even a total mental breakdown. It can cause one to question if what they see is real, or simply some mad manifestation of their fear when faced with statuary, like that which inhabits the many twists and turns of The NIGHTMARES.

From ornamental figures to cemetery monuments to the powerful gargoyles that roam the halls, NETHERWORLD could prove to be an extremely trying experience for a statue phobic. Nothing is as it ever seems within the supernatural confines of The NIGHTMARES, and fear lurks where you least expect it. The walls themselves appear to have a life of their own – or perhaps it is actually the lives of unfortunate others, trapped within…

As if vampires, goblins, zombies, werewolves, krampus and ogres weren’t enough to keep mortal visitors on their toes, the very structural decor of NETHERWORLD may pose a threat to all, particularly the poor soul suffering from statue phobia. So the next time you feel a menacing set of eyes upon you as you make your way through the murky mazes of NETHERWORLD Haunted House, don’t write it off as nervous energy quite so quickly.

RAW MEAT Mutant Sighted!

Caught on camera in the basement under NETHERWORLD Haunted House!

RAW MEAT – Your Flesh is What They Need!!!

The County Water Management system has a problem. Their workers keep disappearing, and lots of strange things are clogging the drains. Snakes, gators and human bones! Now you will explore the sewers and abandoned tunnels and learn the truth about what dwells below – In NETHERWORLD’s dark basement you will discover cannibals, giant alligators and worse in RAW MEAT!

New Features for 2011

Travel to your Doom on a Runaway Train! Infestations of Insects! Collapsing Floors! The Gator Spawning Pool! The Meat Conveyor! The Trog Tunnels! The Steam Pipes! GatorZilla! If you fear the things that swim, skitter and stalk the darkness you will lose your mind in NETHERWORLD’s RAW MEAT!