Vote to bring an advance screening of Paranormal Activity 3 to Atlanta on Wednesday October 19 at Midnight!
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Vote to bring an advance screening of Paranormal Activity 3 to Atlanta on Wednesday October 19 at Midnight!
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NETHERWORLD Haunted House will be appearing on this weeks THE CHAT ROOM on Sunday at Noon on WXIA-TV11Alive!
The Nightmares – no clowning around when it comes to fear!
Fears come in many shapes and sizes. While most are rooted in very real threats and traumas, some derive from rather unique sources. What one might normally find harmless may cause another extreme anxiety.
Coulrophobia – an irrational fear of clowns – plagues many adults, and typically stems from children’s strong reactions to a familiar body shape with an unfamiliar face. While clowns are designed primarily to entertain and humor us, they somehow manage to rattle us in unexpected ways. It’s easy to become unhinged when it’s difficult to know what really lurks beneath the red rubber nose and painted on smile…
The clowns you’ll find within Netherworld Haunted House’s The Nightmares are far from the “crying on the inside” kind. Maniacal, mad, and menacing, they feed off the fear of mortals. Leering smiles frame deadly teeth, ever ready to gorge themselves on the fright that manifests itself when the haunt is full of visitors. A virtual smorgasbord of terror, The Nightmares transforms into an all-you-can-eat buffet for these giggling ghouls, and they can never seem to satisfy their appalling appetites.
Fear is nothing to laugh about, but for the Netherworld clowns it is a constant source of amusement. Nothing elicits laughter among these fiends quite like the screams and shrieks of scared humans, especially those suffering from coulrophobia – the greater the fear, the sweeter the taste. When you witness the tears of a clown inside The Nightmares, they are most likely tears of joy, as they savor every bite!
We are now open every night in October and November 4th and 5th! See the front page calendar for times.
Buy tickets online HERE
Welcome to the place WHERE MONSTERS DWELL!
Raw Meat will make your skin crawl…
Wherever one can find neglect, moisture, darkness, and waste, one can find insects. Filth and debris make amazing breeding grounds for pests, providing much needed nourishment and haven for bugs. They thrive in it. It is unlikely, however, that you will find the average entomophobiac – one suffering from an irrational fear of insects – very comfortable in such an environment.
Therefore it is safe to assume that Netherworld Haunted House’s Raw Meat poses a rather powerful threat to the entomophobiac. A festering toxic mess fed by local factories and a neighboring slaughterhouse, it is inhabited by horrible creatures the likes of which the surface world has never witnessed. As deadly as it is vile, Raw Meat spawns life from within the very heart of death and decay.
Giant living cockroaches infest this slime-ridden sewer, feeding off the organic matter that years of misuse have created. Droves of maggots swarm any potential source of food, regardless how foul. The very walls of this underground torment crawl with insect life, hungry for flesh – living and dead. Daunting to anyone, the prospect of enduring this journey must be mind-numbing to anyone suffering from entomophobia.
It is not uncommon upon coming into contact with an insect to experience ghost sensations long after, feeling a light crawling on your flesh where earlier an unwanted traveler hitched a ride. So powerful is the thought that the touch of one single bug can linger for hours. Imagine what an evening in Netherworld Haunted House could produce.
Pleasant dreams…