The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 11 Coimetrophobia !
The Nightmares conjures grave fears…
Cemeteries can be imposing to even the most rational among us. Eerie, cold, often grey and quiet, they harbor more than enough fodder for the imagination. To some, however, they can be absolutely chilling. Coimetrophobia – an irrational fear of cemeteries – can produce extreme levels of dread in the mind of one suffering from this phobia. Such a fear can prevent one from attending funerals, straining relationships with family and friends. It can be brought about by any number of causes, from fear of mortality to depictions of death and cemeteries in entertainment to a previous trauma in life. Whatever the cause, it is an overwhelming fear that can lead to severe emotional torment.
Walking through Netherworld Haunted House’s The Nightmares, a coimetrophobiac may find the visit extremely threatening as they wind their way through a menacing graveyard rife with supernatural activity. Gothic tombstones and monuments adorn this desolate cemetery, overrun with growth and harboring sinister secrets. Otherworldly eyes gaze down upon you as you seek refuge on the other side. You peer through the fog in hopes of finding some safe retreat, searching for an exit while the very ground beneath your feet conceals horrors you cannot imagine.
It is obvious that you have not entered just any cemetery. Gargoyles, vampires, werewolves and disembodied spirits converge upon you, wanting nothing more than to make this the last stop on your journey through The Nightmares. There is always room for another body here, another soul to populate this depository of despair.
An irrational fear of cemeteries may be warranted on this particular evening, for you may never make it out of this one in one piece…