The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 13 Herpetophobia!
Raw Meat delivers cold-blooded chills…
Few living creatures have the capacity to reduce adults to a quivering mass quite like reptiles. Be it the darting forked tongues, the soft white underbellies, the lifeless eyes, or the endless scales and plates that cover their slithering forms, reptiles somehow deliver maximum terror simply through their existence.
Herpetophobia – an irrational fear of reptiles – is one of the more common phobias which afflict the human mind. Believed to be an evolutionary phobia – one handed down through generations of fear or misunderstanding – herpetophobia can strike a person on many different levels. Actual interaction with a reptile, such as touch, can be just as debilitating as simply viewing a photograph of one in a book. Since many believe a vast majority of reptiles to pose a danger because of their venomous nature, this particular fear is experienced by many people in many different degrees.
Deep within the subterranean recesses of Netherworld Haunted House’s Raw Meat, herpetophobia takes on a whole new meaning, as monstrous reptiles hungry for living flesh call the sewers their home. Giant alligators, abandoned by their human hosts, lurk beneath the murky surface of the water, coal-black eyes watching your every move. Huge snakes lay coiled in the shadows, ready to strike at potential victims with their deadly razor-sharp fangs, dripping with paralyzing venom. Creatures unknown, and fouler still, transformed by science and industrial abuse, prowl the darkness in search of unsuspecting wanderers – twisted, loathsome monstrosities that no human imagination could possibly conceive, eager to ensnare any and all who would invade the sanctity of their lairs.
Yellowy, reptilian eyes peer out of every crevice as you make your way past indescribable grotesqueries in a frantic attempt to escape this twisted underworld. With horrific threats poised above, below, and on all sides, you can only push forward and hope that you reach safety before the deadly teeth and talons of these sewer-dwelling beasts reach you.
It is believed that most humans experience a fear of reptiles in some capacity, from harmless annoyance to full-blown trauma. After barely surviving a journey through Raw Meat, we may all end up herpetophobiacs …