Cold Blooded

INTERNAL MEMO – First Citizen to staff –

The Green Section in the BOX Facility has been designated a lab for Paleo- Cloning. We have had some amazing successes with both Dinosauria and Massive Paleo -Insect production, but word has come down from THE COUNCIL that it is time to weaponize our latest research. Welcome to Project: Dreadnought.

Your Stated objectives are as follows:

1) WARBEASTS – Genetic enhancements to existing mega Fauna specimens. We want the next batch of Lab grown Paleo Specimens to Be Bigger, More Powerful, More Aggressive, More Heavily armored, Equipped with larger teeth and natural weaponry, with low fatigue values and advanced regeneration capabilities. Once a good stable design has been achieved, we have advised Gray Section to provide additional cybernetic enhancements

2) REPTILIAN SERUM TEMP- You have been charged with the creation of a Reptilian serum that can be injected into special mission troops. The desired effect is temporary mutation that is 100% reversable once the proper antidote has been applied. The logic pathway to this uses a base serum from Specimen RO-387 – The Lycanthrope. In this case when the subject is exposed to Lunar energy the mutations will occur. In the case of the reptilian serum the injection will access the desired Reptilian attributes and will be reversable by the application of the Antidote serum. Requested attributes include natural weaponry and body armor, enhanced speed and climbing abilities, skin color change AKA Chameleon cell traits, regeneration and advanced aquatic combat skills.

3) REPTILIAN SERUM PERM – These human test subjects will have permanent genetic changes encoded into them allowing more extreme alterations to those included in the Temp Serum packet. We fully expect to be able to create faster, more dangerous and more durable soldiers capable of dominating the modern battle field even without advanced weaponry.

All of these leaps forward have been made possible by the Blue section and their skillful vivisection and genetic extraction of the so-called Reptilian Alien aka RB -131 producing the needed mutational virus that has gotten us to this point. Please have all staff open the info packets and specialized equipment and begin work at once. Thank you for your service!