NETHERWORLD on FANGORIA magazine cover!

Netherworld Fangoria

Netherworld Haunted House and 20 other amazing attractions from America Haunts will be featured in an upcoming Special Edition of Fangoria Magazine. Fangoria (as if you don’t know this already) has been THE Authority on All Things Horror for the past 30+ years! This Special Edition will be available at the Netherworld Haunted House Gift Shop and pretty much all other America Haunts locations. Details for online sales are pending, but stay posted for more info!

Halloween Extreme!

Be sure to come to HALLOWEEN EXTREME : A Halloween, horror and haunted house extravaganza!

MAY 24-26, 2013 Rosen Center, Orlando Florida

NETHERWORLD Haunted House 2013 Downstairs Show Theme Revealed!

A malevolent Entity keeps his victims trapped in a nightmare world and feeds on their fears in NETHERWORLDS shocking basement haunt – Boogeyman!


The Boogeyman Nursery Rhyme
( Collected from the homes of the victims)

Better not step upon a crack
Boogeyman put you in his sack!

Break a mirror or spill some salt
Boogeyman says it all your fault!

Walk under a ladder or see a black cat
Boogeyman says you’re tasty and fat!

If I should die before I wake
Boogeyman gets my soul to take!

Run as far and fast as you can
There is no escaping the Boogeyman!


Hospital logs relating to the case:

Log Entry 72:

Never before had we seen anything like it. Six people with no connection whatsoever admitted with horrible nightmares. Then despite the best medical science had to offer they all slip into comas. Seemingly locked into horrific dreams.

Log Entry 84:

The patients continue to suffer terribly. Despite flooding their systems with sedatives the adrenaline pumping through them non stop is slowly destroying both the heart and the circulatory systems. There is no physical reason for the comas. All tests are negative.

Log Entry 92:

Turns out there is a connection after all. It seems all of them as children attended at least one semester of elementary school at Wormwood Academy near the old Bostwick Meat Processing Plant. Nothing at all remarkable about that, except the area was famous as the site of the so called “Mangler” murders all those years ago.

Log Entry 107:

The families of the patients have let us search their computers and personal papers for anything that can help us solve the mystery. I hope we can find something soon, they don’t have much time.

Log Entry 111:

More coincidences – I have found in all of their paperwork bits and pieces of an old nursery rhyme about the “Boogeyman.” This makes no sense. There is no record of them having contact in the last 10-15 years!

Log Entry 117:

They have agreed to my request. I will use the Neural Macro Phase Decoder to “see” what they are seeing in the dream state. Hopefully I will be able to learn from their subconscious the source of nightmares, and with that knowledge find a cure. I know it’s new technology but in almost every other clinical trial we have had overwhelmingly positive results. We might as well try… without some progress we will probably lose the first one within the week…

Log Entry 118 : Final Entry

Ugh… Not in good shape this morning. Crazy dreams about a shadowy figure trying to put a large bag over my head… I woke up gasping for air! Not good to go into a sleep experiment without a good nights rest. Must have been that creepy poem we found in the notes..?

OK going to work… Wish me luck!

NETHERWORLD Haunted House 2013 Main Show Theme Revealed!

An ancient unstoppable evil is summoned to punish mankind in NETHERWORLD “s Terrifying new 2013 Haunt… The Dead Ones!


The Dead Ones

In the untold eons of man’s existence we have always acknowledged the ancient powers that dwell in the eternal darkness between worlds. For when we no longer sacrifice as they demand and forget the rituals and customs that appease these forces there is a price.

They release the Dead Ones.

When the Dead Ones come there are no drums of war, no bugles that call legions to battle. A whisper on the winds, perhaps a coldness where no cold belongs, and a howling of animals are the only calling cards that history records.

In the dark of the moon when the Dead Ones come old people die, the weak grow sick and gray streaks stain the hair of children. To hear them brings madness, to see them brings pain and to touch them means a quick and agonizing death. Stone cracks, iron rusts and crops wither when they roam the lands, and where once laughter and life ruled only bones and dust remain.

The Dead Ones come when we ignore our superstition, when we laugh into the Abyss, when we think that we are the rulers of creation. The Abyss does not like to be denied.

Twice they have come that history records.

First they came to a race of giants – a golden age of industry and philosophy sent crashing into ruin. Only the most powerful Primordial Titan survived whimpering in horror, to spend eternity in the darkness guarding the skulls of his dead race.

Second they appeared to a race of men, one of the first to emerge into the light of reason. But the Dead Ones came and all but obliterated them from memory. A small group survived and having learned their lesson embraced the darkness and began a century of evil and ritual to appease the dwellers in the void. They founded a foul and depraved city, YS and summoned many noxious things into our world.

But all was not lost…

A sect of warriors and scientists, The Illuminati found a way to hold the Dead Ones at bay. They discovered the Herald of the Dead Ones, the Inquisitor and destroyed him. They took his accursed mask, his connection to the void, and bound in cold iron it was left in YS as the city was sunk beneath the waves by science and sorcery. Freed from the fear of the void man could now live in peace and our mighty civilizations grew and flourished.

The Dead Ones faded from memory, but the rituals and superstitions performed to appease them were still practiced, primarily in the fall of the year during the harvest season. Some believed these rituals kept them away but others knew the truth…without their Herald, the Inquisitor and his mask, The Dead Ones could not rise to heed the voids call. They slept dead but undying in their hidden temple guarded by an ancient serpent. But over the long years of peace the rituals were forgotten and man turned his back on superstition and fear – the legend of the Dead Ones and their terrible vengeance had all but faded from memory.

The Blood Night

During the horrors of the Blood Night when the beasts of the NETHERWORLD were released on the earth the Illuminati battled to turn back the darkness. At last they were victorious and the sun returned but the price was a vast depletion of their powers. The noxious city of YS long held below the waves rose once again freeing Banshees and other twisted nightmares to hunt once more.

But worst of all, the mask of the Inquisitor, the Herald of the Dead Ones, was lost. Now some say a new Herald has risen and soars the night with flocks of Banshees watching the cities of men. If the Herald has returned, then he will report to the ancient powers that dwell in the eternal darkness between worlds. He will tell them that the rituals have been forgotten and a time of reckoning must come.

And they will release the Dead Ones. ….

There have been reports of a whisper on the winds, perhaps a coldness where no cold belongs, and a strange howling of animals….

A weird temple has been found in an ancient burial ground where no temple was before… and there is dust that covers everything near it…

Go now into the Temple my children and if your hair should turn gray….

The Dead Ones have returned!

Halloween Extreme!

Do you love Halloween?

Well, prepare to be amazed, as TransWorld‘s HALLOWEEN EXTREME hits Orlando, May 24-26, 2013!

A Halloween, horror and haunted house extravaganza like nothing you’ve seen before, HALLOWEEN EXTREME grants unprecedented public access to movie- and theme park-quality props and effects, available for the first time at the consumer level. Home haunters and Halloween enthusiasts will now have the opportunity to obtain the very same items used by professional attractions and events the world over, allowing anyone and everyone to create a truly professional haunt experience. Co-produced by the twisted creative minds behind Netherworld Haunted House, this insanely unique event delivers three full days of EVERYTHING Halloween fanatics, haunters, and horror lovers could desire.

Open to the general public as well as industry professionals, HALLOWEEN EXTREME offers cash-and-carry and wholesale items for purchase, including animatronics, make up, costumes, masks and decor

In addition to exclusive access to high-quality props and effects, HALLOWEEN EXTREME also presents seminars, panel discussions, and demos. Everything is designed to assist haunters and hobbyists in designing and executing top-notch exhibits and events. There will even be a Zombie Prom, produced by the talented folks behind the Chicago Zombie Prom, where attendees can mix, mingle and brainstorm. Never has there been an event like this – pulling back the curtain to reveal and make available the magic behind Halloween- and horror-themed attractions. This is an exciting occasion for any and all who attend, from seasoned attraction designers to aspiring home haunt crafters!

To enhance the experience, HALLOWEEN EXTREME is co-located with Spooky Empire’s MAY-HEM, a mind-blowing mix of celebrity appearances, memorabilia and collectibles vendors, live entertainment, films, autograph signings, artists, Q&A panels and more from the world of horror entertainment. Much more than a simple fan event, MAY-HEM is an incredible mid-season outlet for the eerily-inclined. Simply stated, it is the perfect celebration for fans who can’t wait for October to deliver a healthy dose of fear. Prepare for a Zombie walk down International Drive, or take a seat in a charity poker tournament.

Enjoy all-night pool parties, a tattoo festival, author autographs and a creepy car show. There will even be cash prizes!

With the combined offerings of HALLOWEEN EXTREME and MAY-HEM, there has never been a more concentrated convergence of so many aspects of the Halloween and horror genre, with virtually every facet represented. This is the ultimate opportunity to immerse yourself in an all-encompassing weekend of form AND function, for fans of the frightful and fright-filled.

A fantastic rarity, HALLOWEEN EXTREME delivers a Halloween and haunted house trade show to an audience that has previously been unable to participate – you, the general public. Amateur Halloween aficionados will rub elbows with major haunted attraction owners as both shop for the very same props used in today’s top-rated haunts and events. At long last, EVERYONE has the tools at their fingertips to present the most memorable Halloween ever, and enthusiasts of all ages are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this unique opportunity!!!