Yahoo Shine just released their list of the The Top 7 Spookiest Haunted Houses in America and guess who they mentioned first?
Starting this Friday, October 4th, Netherworld Haunted House will be Open EVERY NIGHT through Sunday, November 3rd!
Making Monsters is back for another season on The Travel Channel…be sure to mark your calendar as Netherworld Haunted House will be featured in Episode #205 on Sunday October 13th!
And speaking of monster makers and TV shows…we do hope you all are cheering on Netherworld’s lead make-up artist Roy Wooley (as he gets one step closer each week to winning it all!) on this season of Syfy’s FaceOff, Tuesdays at 9/8c.
This weekend is also Military Appreciation Weekend….
We have designated our opening weekend as Military Appreciation Nights at Netherworld so those who have served/are serving our country can enjoy a good safe fright at a real nice price. Military personnel can get free tickets for opening weekend through the Veteran Tickets Foundation, please visit for more information. If/when all of the tickets allotted to the Veteran Tickets Foundation are distributed, anyone with a military ID will still be able to purchase a combo ticket at the box office on opening weekend (September 27 & 28 in 2013) for 50% Off the regular price. That’s admission to both The Dead Ones and Boogeyman for just $14 (regularly $28). Only one discount per military ID please.