Saw Director James Wan Visits NETHERWORLD

“That was absolutely amazing! That was fantastic!” That’s what Saw writer/director James Wan had to say about Netherworld Haunted House after his recent visit (…and he said we could quote him, so we are…thanks James!).

That’s high praise coming from anyone, but coming from a horror maestro like Wan, (who also directed Insidious, Dead Silence and The Conjuring) it’s an especially great compliment! Thanks for visiting us creatures of the Netherworld James…we hope to see you again soon!

And just what is it that James and our creepy inhabitants are looking at? A ghastly flyer from above, a ghostly apparition, a giant monster? Well, Netherworld is known for all of these things and more…so it really could be any of the above….come out and see them all for yourself before time runs out!

Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and Every Night thru November 3rd! Visit Buy Tickets Now at

Check out this short video for a quick taste:

Located in The Georgia Antique Center – 6624 Dawson Blvd. – Norcross, GA 30093
Sunday thru Thursday: 7:30pm – 10:30pm
Fridays and Saturdays: 7:00pm – Midnight


A video with some of the crazy fun at NETHERWORLD this year, shot during the first few days of the season!

Action Star and Martial Arts Sensation Tony Jaa at NETHERWORLD!


Thai Action Star and Martial Arts Sensation Tony Jaa (Tony Jaa Official) stopped by Netherworld Haunted House for his first visit to a Haunted Attraction and had a blast! Tony is in town shooting Fast and Furious 7.

If you are not familiar with Tony or his work…believe us, you will be soon! His films include Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior, Tom-Yum-Goong (also called Warrior King or The Protector), Ong-Bak 2: The Beginning, and Ong Bak 3.

He has started working here in the states and is poised to be the next big thing…think Jackie Chan/Jet Li big!

Thanks for making Netherworld your first Haunted House experience Tony! We look forward to seeing you on the red carpet soon…and hopefully back at Netherworld for another dose of fear and fun!

Netherworld is Open Tonight and Every Night thru November 3rd!

Top Haunt Actors in America!

Actors Web

Please join us in congratulating to the actors of Netherworld Haunted House who were just Rated the Best Haunted Attraction Actors in America by!

We were excited to be once again named as one of The Top 10 Haunted Houses in America, but we are beyond thrilled that our actors (collectively known as The Netherspawn) were rated tops in the country. Here’s what the guru’s at Hauntworld said:

1. Netherworld Haunted House in Atlanta, GA: Netherworld has the wildest actors in the industry with an over-the-top make up department, custom icon characters, sliders, actors running the parking lot, and 100’s more actors inside – all to make you scream! Netherworld has the best actors in America.

We the owners and management of Netherworld Haunted House thank you Netherspawn – we are so very proud of you all, from the lot actors to the puppeteers, stunt actors to shock scares…you all are truly the best of the best and Netherworld would not be what it is today were it not for the Netherspawn…both past and present.