NETHERWORLD on Travel Channel’s list of the Best Halloween Attractions for 2014!

Exciting news! Netherworld Haunted House just made Travel Channel’s list of the Best Halloween Attractions for 2014!

Here’s what they said: Trick or treat! We reveal our list of the scariest Halloween attractions in the US with help from paranormal experts, including Ghost Adventures lead investigator Zak Bagans – Ghost Adventures Crew (GAC). With more than 200 animated monsters and 100 live actors, Netherworld is one of the nation’s most famous attractions. Having been featured on TV and in movies such as Zombieland, this spooky attraction has amazingly detailed sets!


Netherworld is now open Every Night thru November 2nd. Come See Us Tonight!

Is NETHERWORLD Really Haunted?

Is Netherworld Haunted House Really Haunted?
Maybe…that’s what Roswell Georgia Paranormal Investigations concluded after a recent investigation.

The investigation was actually amazingly thorough and required all kinds of specialized equipment like EMF Meters, KII Meters and MEL Meters.

In short, their very comprehensive report came back with the following findings: “Based on the EVP and AVP evidence…There is enough evidence for us to believe that Netherworld Haunted Attractions is indeed paranormally active.”

If you’d like to learn more about their investigation at Netherworld or more about their organization in general, representatives will be on site at Netherworld on Friday, October 3rd and they will have Special Guest Britt Griffith from Syfy’s Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International with them.

Roswell Ghost Tour will be set up in the parking lot at Netherworld so please stop by to say hello to them, meet Britt and get some cool TAPS merch.

Britt Griffith

Netherworld reopens starting this Friday, October 3rd at 7pm and will then be OPEN EVERY NIGHT thru November 2nd plus two additional nights on November 7th and 8th.

To learn more about Roswell GA Paranormal Investigations visit
To learn more about Roswell Ghost Tour visit
To learn more about Britt and his Ghost Hunter pals, visit

To learn more about Netherworld visit