Slash visits NETHERWORLD!


Here is the inimitable Slash on his recent visit to Netherworld Haunted House!

Beyond being an amazing talent, Slash is someone who truly loves and appreciates creepy stuff, so we were way beyond flattered when he told us “I’ve never seen anything this cool”…seriously, how is that even possible…this guy has had to have seen everything, or close to it…and that’s no exaggeration.

Thanks so much for the visit and the very kind words Slash, and thanks for taking to social media and telling folks “If you’re n Atlanta, u have to go to @HauntedAtlanta it is literally the coolest scariest creepiest haunted house will ever visit. iiii]; )’ ” We are truly without words.

Thanks also to our friend Eric Pigors of Toxictoons for helping to make Slash’s visit possible.

Netherworld is only open a few more nights, so don’t miss your chance to see what The Travel Channel calls a “A Hollywood Caliber Haunt Mecca!”

Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT thru this Sunday, November 2nd…then just two more nights…Fri. Nov. 7th and Sat. Nov. 8th. These are your final nights to visit “Season of the Witch” and “Spliced”…next year these two shows will be but a memory and we’ll return with two brand new haunts for you to brave.

For more info or to Buy Tickets Now visit HERE

Foster The People at NETHERWORLD!

Foster The People’s frontman Mark Foster and touring member Isom Innis dropped by Netherworld Haunted House while passing through Atlanta on their current tour. They had a blast and even stopped for a pic with one of our less gruesome, but equally scary ghouls. Thanks for taking the detour to visit guys…glad you all had fun!

To learn more about Foster The People Click HERE


The season is really winding down here at Netherworld, only a few more chances to see for yourself what Mark and thousands of others are screaming about! Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT thru this Sunday, November 2nd and then just two more nights on November 7th & 8th.

These are the final nights to see “Season of the Witch” and “SPLICED”…next year they will be replaced by two all-new haunted adventures!

Buy Your Tickets Now Before It’s Too Late at

Walking Dead Cast Members Visit NETHERWORLD!

NETHERWORLD Walking Dead 2 web

Walking Dead NETHERWORLD 1 web

The Walking Dead was well represented at Netherworld Haunted House last night. Steven Yeun, Alanna Masterson, Michael Cudlitz, Josh McDermitt, Lauren Cohan, Tyler James Williams and Christian Serratos all came out for a good scream!

They were all really warm and genuine and all were clearly such good friends. It was great to see them having such a good time together and to hear them talk about their journey through the Netherworld.

Josh had never been to a haunted house before and said he loved it…check out his Twitter page (@JoshMcDermitt) to hear what else he said. Alanna posted similar sentiments on her Twitter (@lightbrigade) and Lauren said that Netherworld was “The best haunted house I’ve ever been to! The best, the best, the best, the best!” When asked if we could quote her on that, she said “absolutely” and then Alanna and Christian said simultaneously “You can quote all of us!” Seems like a good time was had by all!

So glad we were able to offer the cast of our favorite TV show a respite from the rigors of the zombie apocalypse! And it was nice to give them a fright for once…considering all of the near heart attacks they’ve given us!

Come see for yourself what the zombie killers were screaming about!
Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and Every Night thru November 2nd then two more nights on November 7th and 8th.

Don’t forget, The Walking Dead is on AMC on Sundays at 9/8c

Netherworld Haunted House
6624 Dawson Blvd. – Norcross, GA – 30093

NETHERWORLD – One Of The Top Haunts In The Country!

Click the links for more Info!

Yahoo Travel
Netherworld is warehouse-sized structure in the suburbs of Atlanta featuring elaborate sets and special effects worthy of a Disney attraction!

Hauntworld Magazine
Netherworld Haunted House is known for its over-the-top special effects, intense make-up, elaborate costuming, skilled stunt actors, unique monsters, unusual themes and chilling detail. To put it simply Netherworld is the total package – an extremely high quality immersive event that merges scary, fun and cool into a safe environment!

Huffington Post: 2014 Scariest Haunted Houses!
Netherworld in Atlanta has more than 200 animated monsters and 100 live actors, and has been featured in movies like “Zombieland.” The creeps begin in the parking lot where costumed characters try to scare away patrons from even buying tickets!

Travel Channel: Travels Best Halloween Attractions!

Chloë Grace Moretz Visits NETHERWORLD!


We were thrilled to have the amazingly talented Chloë Grace Moretz stop by Netherworld Haunted House for a visit! You’ve seen her in Carrie, Kick-Ass, Dark Shadows, Hugo, 30 Rock and in lots of other projects…her list of credits is already beyond impressive and she’s just 17.

Thanks for stopping by for a scream Chloë!

Come see what Chloë and so many others are screaming about this October…and see for yourself why Netherworld was recently rated the #2 Haunted House in America by Yahoo Travel and why they said that Netherworld has “elaborate sets and special effects worthy of a Disney attraction!”.

Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT thru November 2nd plus two additional nights on November 7th & 8th!

Chloë is currently shooting The 5th Wave…learn the story behind this soon to be sci-fi blockbuster (where Chloë’s character Cassie Sullivan tries to save humanity when an alien invasion decimates the world’s population) at

#chloegmoretz @ChloeGMoretz