Only Two More Nights To Scream in 2021! Final Nights: Friday 11/12 & Saturday 11/13

Netherworld is Open two more nights this season: Friday, November 12th & Saturday, November 13th. As you probably know, we work hard year-round to bring to life two all-new haunting attractions each and every Halloween season…new giant monsters, new epic set pieces, and new mind-blowing effects! So don’t miss these Final Nights of Our 25th Season of Screams – it’ll be your last chance to experience “Rise of the Netherspawn” and “Planet X in 3D” – soon thereafter, the demolition/renovations will get underway as we prepare for haunt season 2022!

Reserve Your Closing Weekend Tickets Now!


The Haunting Continues thru November 13th!

October May Be Over, but the Spirit of Halloween Remains Strong at NETHERWORLD. There’s still time to join us in celebrating our 25th Season of Screams. Open 7pm – 11pm on November 5, 6, 7, 12, & 13. Don’t miss your chance to experience Rise of the Netherspawn and Planet X in 3D…come December, demolition/renovation will begin and these haunts will be no longer as we prep two all-new attractions for haunt season 2022.
Reserve Your November Timeslot Now!


Open Every Night thru Halloween!

Happy Halloweek! Netherworld is Open Tonight & Every Night thru 10/31/21.  No need to wait until Halloween Weekend – You’ll get the same great experience no matter which day of the week you attend.  Tickets will Sell Out much faster this week so Reserve Your Tickets Now!