The 35th Annual Dragon Con is this Weekend!

The Legendary Dragon Con is happening here in Atlanta thru Monday, September 6th.  NETHERWORLD will be there as we have every year since before we even opened our doors.  Did you know that the very first NETHERWORLD actually happened at Dragon Con?  It was a greatly scaled down version of what our haunt was to become, but it was loads of fun and it gave us all a great boost of confidence moving into our inaugural season…Tom Savini even visited…now that was a thrill!

NETHERWORLD will once again be sponsoring the Dragon Con Horror Track and will once again have a big presence in the epic Dragon Con Parade.  Dragon Con will be a little different this year due to COVID, but they are taking every precaution to make this a safe event and making every effort to make it as fun as you expect Dragon Con to be.  In order to see the Netherspawn marching down Peachtree in-person, you’ll need a Dragon Con Badge (if you don’t have one you can grab one here) but if you can’t make it to Downtown Atlanta this Labor Day weekend you can catch the parade broadcast live on Atlanta’s CW 69 at 10am EST on Saturday, Sept. 4th.

One last great thing about Dragon Con…it usually coincides nicely with NETHERWORLD tickets being released for sale!  So keep an eye out here – tix link coming soon.


Netherworld in the Incredible Dragon Con Parade circa 2012