Covid-19 Procedures at NETHERWORLD

For the health and safety of both our guests and staff , we have made some important changes to the way we will operate this season. Please read on to learn more about the protocols and procedures that we have implemented.

Things to Know Before You Visit:

  • In order to effectively reduce capacity and allow for proper social distancing, all tickets are now time and date reserved.
  • Each timed ticket allows visitors to enter within a specific 30-minute timeslot.  The half hour entry window begins at the time listed on your ticket.  Each ticket is only valid for the date and time listed  Please arrive on time.
  • Only groups that arrive together (personal bubbles) will be allowed to enter the attractions together.  If you plan to enjoy our attractions with members of  your household or others in your personal bubble, please be sure that each person in your group purchases a ticket with the same date and timeslot.
  • Non-costumed ushers will be present (including in the attractions) to help ensure that proper social distancing is maintained.
  • In order to facilitate a one-way experience that reinforces proper social distancing, all tickets now include entry into both of our attractions.  Once you exit the main haunt, HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARES, you will proceed directly into the queue of our second haunt, CYBORG SHOCK.
  • Tickets in any given timeslot will be greatly limited.  In order to both help maintain proper social distancing and to avoid the disappointment of discovering that your desired timeslot is perhaps sold out, please purchase your tickets online and in advance of your arrival.
  • Walk-Ups are not recommended, but those doing so will be directed to large QR Codes which will allow for faster and easier online purchases.
  • Protective  face masks/coverings  are required to be worn by all guests at all times on property.  The only exception is when eating or drinking in outside areas, but if doing so, guests must practice social distancing.  Guests  are asked to bring their own face masks, but if needed, low cost disposable masks and reusable souvenir masks are available for purchase.  Please follow your doctor’s advice for any medical conditions that may prevent proper use of face masks/coverings.
  • All guests must consent to a contactless temperature scan prior to entering the attractions. If any member of a group has a fever (temperature of 100.4° or higher) or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, that person, and all members of their group will not be permitted entry.
  • Hand-sanitizing and hand-washing stations are located throughout the property. Guests are encouraged to utilize hand sanitizer before entering the attractions and often while on NETHERWORLD property.  There will even be hand sanitizing stations located within the attractions themselves.
  • Props that formerly had to be pushed or squeezed through have been removed from the walking path. We ask, as always, that guests do not touch any of the props or sets.
  • We have implemented enhanced cleaning regimens.  Contact surfaces of the attractions will be cleaned and sanitized before the opening of each night’s performance and between each timed group session during hours of operation,.  Additionally, staff members will be consistently cleaning and sanitizing public and backstage areas both before the attractions open to the public and during the performance.
  • NETHERWORLD has adopted extensive backstage safety procedures including mandatory staff temperature checks, enhanced cleaning and sanitizing, mandatory protective mask use, handshake-free greetings, social distancing requirements, increased airflow, the use of HEPA filters and more.
  • In order to better ensure proper social distancing, limit touchpoints and create a barrier between staff and guests, our expansive Gift Shop will be closed this season. A limited number of NETHERWORLD souvenir items will be available from a kiosk located in one of our expanded outdoor areas. Please bring a credit or debit card for onsite purchases.
  • We have altered the way that our costumed characters will engage with guests and to further limit interactions, there will be fewer of them. When interacting with characters however, guests must wear protective face coverings correctly at all times.  Characters will be wearing appropriate safety equipment (in addition to any make-up or costume mask elements).  A multitude of new effects, sets, and animations have been added to the attractions to entertain guests in a safe manner.

For your safety and the safety of others, we ask that guests please be mindful of current CDC guidelines and public health recommendations.

  • Symptoms of COVID-19 include but are not limited to: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever or chills, vomiting or diarrhea, and new loss of taste or smell. If you or a member of your party are feeling unwell, please visit us another time.
  • Wash your hands often, using soap and water, for a minimum of 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Promote social distancing by remaining at least six feet away from others who are not part of your party.
  • If you must cough or sneeze, please use respiratory etiquette and do so into your elbow, not into your hand or into the air.
  • Government health organizations currently recommend that persons ages 65 and older, persons who reside in senior care facilities or long-term care facilities, or persons with underlying medical conditions stay home or maintain distance from others.

If you would like more information on COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for up-to-date information.  (link:

NETHERWORLD has received guidance and is under the advisement of the Gwinnett, Newton and Rockdale County Health Departments. (link:

If you suspect that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, they offer free testing by appointment at multiple locations.  Appointments are available Monday – Saturday.  Schedule your appointment at