ATLANTA: Good news fright fans – the team behind the world-famous NETHERWORLD Haunted House is thrilled to introduce this year’s main theme, HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARES. Haunt guests will soon be able to enjoy an over-the-top adventure, loaded with amazing new experiences they won’t soon forget!

Based on classic harvest and horror themes, HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARES’ story begins over one hundred years ago when the survivors of a brutal family feud sought vengeance against another mountain clan. Utilizing evil powers stolen from monsters beneath the earth, they were transformed into savage bat-like creatures and slaughtered their enemies on Halloween night!

“We’re working nonstop on the creation of elaborate sets, giant monsters and mind-numbing effects just as we have every year since our inaugural season in 1997,” said Billy Messina, NETHERWORLD Haunted House co-creator. “Our 2020 main attraction will be a terrifying yet nostalgic romp down Halloween Lane, and seriously, during this time when nothing seems normal thanks to COVID-19, who can’t use a little spine-tingling fun these days?”

This Halloween, the bat-like creatures will resurface once again, disguised as distorted costumed revelers bent on bringing destruction to the cursed town of Whyshburg and only the Children of Autumn, a group of mysterious Trick or Treaters with strange powers stand in their way. Guests can expect eerie shadow creatures, legions of grinning jack-o’-lanterns, the Lair of the Ancient Alchemist, the Chamber of the Elder Thing and the Temple of the Bat God. Prepare for more vintage Halloween horror than your melted mind can handle! Stay tuned for details on official opening dates, ticket prices and more by visiting again here at

“Though we are beyond excited to announce the theme of our 2020 haunt, we know that COVID-19 will present many obstacles this fall,” said Billy Messina, NETHERWORLD Haunted House co-creator. “We want to ensure that we are taking the necessary precautions, while at the same time presenting a fun and entertaining experience. We have developed several plans regarding ticketing, queue lines, disinfecting, and more, and are working on stringent behind the scenes protocols. So much can and will change in the coming months, so we feel it’s premature to announce our definitive COVID-19 safety plan. Rest assured; we are constantly assessing and evolving our plans and protocols as more information and resources become available.”

Those seeking a little extra adventure can still get their fix while anxiously awaiting this season’s haunts through NETHERWORLD’s recently reopened escape rooms and outdoor laser tag arena. Both NETHERWORLD Laser Adventure and Escape the NETHERWORLD are being vigilant in light of COVID-19. Guests will find various safety measures in place that protect both them and employees outlined on NETHERWORLD’s respective websites. For more details or to purchase tickets, visit or