NETHERWORLD Presents THE HORROR!! Cult Classic Horror Films on the Big Screen!

NETHERWORLD Haunted House Presents THE HORROR!! Cult Classic Horror Films on the Big Screen For Just A Buck!

First movie up: From Beyond
When: April 8th (Easter) – 8:00pm
Where: Studio Movie Grill – 2880 Holcomb Bridge Road – Alpharetta, GA 30022

More Details Here:

It’s no secret that one of the biggest inspirations to the crew of NETHERWORLD Haunted House is the work of H.P. Lovecraft, the master of weird tales…so when the line-up for the new film series The Horror was selected, the choice for the first presentation seemed obvious.

Strange things are underway at 666 Benevolent Street, in Stuart Gordon’s creepy, kinky adaptation of Lovecraft’s “From Beyond”. Here, inside the home of brilliant Dr. Edward Pretorious, a device known as The Resonator stimulates the brain’s pineal gland (or sixth sense) and open’s up the mind to creatures from another dimension – leading to the unfortunate demise of the good doctor. Seeking to determine exactly what happened to Pretorious and clear the name of his partner Crawford Tillinghast, Dr. Katherine McMichaels and Detective Bubba Brownlee return to The Resonator…with horrific results.

Starring the always-entertaining Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, as well as Ken Foree and Ted Sorel, Gordon’s loose retelling of the Lovecraft short story features everything a sci-fi/horror fan could wish for. Quirky characters, grotesque monsters, and a generous dose of squirm-inducing violence add to the trippy atmosphere of this 1986 cult classic. Produced for just 2.5 million dollars, “From Beyond” holds it’s own as a unique and engaging venture into the consequences of man’s continuing desire to unleash the mysteries of the human psyche. The slow decent of our protagonists into their own individual madnesses is what drives this film. Watching Combs and Crampton transform under the influence of The Resonator’s pineal awakening is pure horror movie genius, as these two do what they do best: Combs making the onset of insanity entertaining and Crampton managing to add real sex appeal amid all the gore.

The creature designs are an added treat. Billy Messina, co-owner of Netherworld Haunted House (and once and sometimes still a make-up effects artist himself), credits From Beyond with more than being just a fun horror romp. From Beyond was an inspiration for many kids aspiring to work in the make-up effects field in the late 80s and early 90s…for such a low budget movie, it helped kick-start the careers of many a great talent in the fx industry and inspired many more to enter the field. This era was a glory days of sorts for make-up effects artists because what you created was what was seen on the screen…this was before the advent of cgi, and post production embellishment was limited at best. So although the fx may seem a bit dated, you have to admire that everything seen on screen was real, you could pretty much touch it all…there was a crew of f/x guys just out of frame puppetteering; pumping slime and wrangling push/pull cables to control early day animatronics. This makes those floating serpents with a taste for human flesh, deformed former humans, and that snakelike third eye all the more impressive.

Disturbing, yet with a deliciously dark sense of humor, “From Beyond” has stood the test of time and surpassed much of its horror genre competition with solid performances and effects that weave an eerie cautionary tale.

Plus, you can get great food and beverages delivered right to your table at Studio Movie Grill…check out their menu here:

So come out and enjoy a new cult classic with NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE on The Second Sunday of each month at Studio Movie Grill!