NETHERWORLD Monster of the Month: January 2012 Goblins!

According to Wikipedia, “a goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous creature, a grotesquely evil or evil-like phantom”. Webster defines them as “an ugly or grotesque sprite that is usually mischievous and sometimes evil and malicious”. Rather generalized definitions, certainly, but a fine jumping-in point for the uninitiated, making one trait abundantly clear…


Early accounts and descriptions of goblins portrayed them as living in caves, or dark, quiet woodland areas. Bouncing back and forth between the physical and spiritual realms, they enjoyed a kinship with certain witches and sorcerers, and could be summoned upon to serve through spells. It was considered foolish to anger or cross a goblin, as they were known to be capable of tremendous vengeance. However, if a goblin felt a bond with a human, they were fiercely loyal and greatly mourned their passing when that fateful day arrived.

Typically believed to be small in stature, usually anywhere from a few inches to two or three feet tall, goblins commonly appeared thin of build and brownish or greenish in color. Many historians describe them as having harsh features, with pointed ears and noses, and possessing certain magical powers. Most found them to be annoying and troublesome, and could find very little to easily distinguish males from females (if such differences even existed).

It appears that the earliest traces of goblins were discovered in the British Isles, and it is theorized that they spread throughout Europe by way of ship. They never settled in conventional homes, and were known to wander about, taking refuge in secluded areas to avoid humans and the corruption they spread throughout the world. While viewed as malevolent by many, it can be said that goblins are simply resentful of the changes mankind has brought about, upsetting the delicate balance of the natural order of things. Landing somewhere between the beasts of the world and humankind, they are simply unable to conform or accept progress and cannot mix with “civilized” races.

As sightings of goblins (or orcs, as they are also often called) increased over the years, so did the discovery of many varieties and traits. The orcs of Middle Earth were almost the height of humans (lending to the belief that this particular breed were actually twisted, tortured elves who were created to serve the dark powers), and notoriously cruel. It seemed, in fact, to be their instinct to destroy and kill, living only to inflict suffering and torment on any and all – particularly things of beauty or nature. In much contemporary lore, orcs range from lowly, slow-witted beings to swift, cunning warriors who are not to be taken lightly. Most carry weaponry designed for hand-to-hand combat – spears, clubs, knives, swords and so forth – and have little fear of pain or death. They tend to travel in groups or tribes, and while somewhat self-serving remain loyal to those they serve. This reputation has established them as a race to be avoided unless there is simply no alternative.

Whether rampaging on foot or riding down their enemies on gruesome beasts, goblins have perfected the art of instilling fear in their enemies. Sporting the hides and skins of their victims, gnashing horrible teeth, adorning themselves with bones and fearsome masks, they are a formidable lot and unleash chaos wherever they tread. Often accompanied by other foul aberrations, goblins cast a deadly shadow over all they encounter.

As the war rages on between the Earthly realm we know and the sinister forces of the Netherworld, goblins and orcs have joined the fray en masse, and firmly planted their monstrous feet opposite the warriors of the Illuminati, bent on destroying all that is good. Skilled at forging weapons and controlling war beasts, these crafty foot soldiers crave human flesh and fight tirelessly to serve their evil masters. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of unsuspecting humans each night, they charge headlong into battle to satisfy an unquenchable bloodlust. Pity those who cross paths with these brutes, for the average human being is no match for such a rage-fueled fiend. Lunging out of the shadows and stealing away victims, the goblins of NETHERWORLD Haunted House personify that one defining trait…
