The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 8 Xenophobia!

NETHERWORLD Haunted House fuels fears of the unknown…

As human beings, we take great comfort in the familiar. Recognizing our surroundings and having a bit of knowledge regarding the people and places we encounter allows us an ease necessary in making our lives more enjoyable. Confronted with unknown elements, we often may find ourselves off our game and unable to relax completely. Yet as we age we learn to adapt and the unfamiliar no longer presents too much of a threat.

Unless, of course, you suffer from Xenophobia – an irrational fear of the unknown and strangers. New faces and places can present great stress for a xenophobiac, and make interaction outside one’s comfort zone difficult or even impossible. As the world is full of the unknown, this phobia can be absolutely paralyzing to many who suffer from this fear.

As strangely unfamiliar as the waking world can be, the unknown reaches new heights inside Netherworld Haunted House. As the sun descends for the day, and the moon takes rise, a new breed of stranger awakens. Dark secrets await around every corner, behind every wall, and for the weak-willed it may inspire fears of the unknown unlike any you’ve ever encountered. Indescribable horrors inhabit this terrifying journey into terror’s dark heart, horrors that lunge at you when you least expect them.

Whatever your fear, and however it affects you, Netherworld is certain to reach into your fragile mind and rip it from your psyche. However, it may prove most unsettling for the xenophobiac, as everything you encounter inside The Nightmares and Raw Meat is unknown, and every being you meet is a stranger…