The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 7 Nyctophobia!

The Nightmares give new reason to be afraid of the dark!

One of the most common phobias known to afflict people is Nyctophobia, an irrational fear of darkness. Very common among children, whose imaginations can run wild, most of us outgrow it as we leave childhood behind. However, some never quite let go of this fear, and it follows into adulthood, often interfering with day to day life. Nyctophobiacs will go to great lengths to avoid the dark, unable to cope with the thought of venturing into the unknown.

Deep inside Netherworld Haunted House’s The Nightmares, it is far from irrational to be afraid of the dark. All who dare enter will certainly suffer a touch of nyctophobia, as numerous other fears are brought to life within the shadows that fill every room. Creatures of unknown origin reign supreme in this murky maze, giving chase to the helpless mortals who wander in for a glimpse. As human eyes try to adjust to the blackness, nocturnal beings close in, eager to claim new victims. Unseen, they approach from all directions, taking advantage of the cloak of night…

There is no shortage of fuel for fear in The Nightmares. Gargoyles fill the skies overhead. Vampires and zombies rise from the very ground beneath your feet, as werewolves, goblins, krampus, and other supernatural beings too hideous to describe welcome nightfall and its call to feast. The twilight provides a blanket of cover for these monstrosities that is needed in their quest for dominance.

We grow up being told that there is nothing to fear from the dark. Just keep telling yourself that, and you just might make it out with your sanity. Then again, you may find yourself afflicted with a very serious case of nyctophobia!