The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number One – Mazeophobia

Get lost in your fear at NETHERWORLD Haunted House…

Halloween is a time for fears. The very iconography of the season is derived from the various things, both real and fantastic, that elicit reactions of dread from within our psyche. Spiders and skeletons and bats and black cats all lend an air of unearthly nervous tension to the impending chill of the autumn nights…

The legions of Netherspawn who inhabit NETHERWORLD Haunted House are masters of fear. Lurking amongst the shadows of each nook and cranny of the country’s leading haunted attraction, the Netherspawn have spent ages unlocking every conceivable method of prompting screams, shrieks and shrill pleas for mercy from the unsuspecting throngs of visitors who pass each season through the iron gates that lead into the darkest depths of terror. Wary be the unfortunate soul who manages to find himself lost inside the labyrinthian chambers of NETHERWORLD Haunted House, for there are evils within that prey upon the very nature of human fears.

Perhaps you actually suffer from Mazeophobia – the irrational fear of getting lost. Imagine yourself wandering aimlessly throughout the twisting, turning catacombs of NETHERWORLD, blindly inching further and further into the dark heart of this gateway to the underworld. Your only hope of overcoming your phobia is to confront it head on, but how is such a thing possible when you are being misdirected and herded along toward certain danger by unimaginable creatures whose only goal is to feed off your fear. Every step you take may be placing you that much closer to safe haven. Or deeper into despair.

As you find yourself feeling your way around a seemingly endless hall of mirrors, or cautiously stepping through an ancient cemetery populated with statuary that seems to gaze right into your soul, or plunged into an immense swamp overgrown with growth both natural and supernatural, the overwhelming sense of terror swells within your rational mind. It pushes you forward in a desperate attempt to break away from what may certainly be your most frightening demise – an eternity spent futilely searching for an escape from impending madness.

Should you feel brave enough to stare fear in the face and take control of your own fate, we invite you to enter NETHERWORLD Haunted House and experience a taste of mazeophobia not found in the daylight world of the living…

Every week we will introduce you to a new fear that can be found in NETHERWORLD Haunted House, a terrifying countdown to Halloween!
Will yours be next?