The 13 Nightmares of NETHERWORLD Haunted House! Number 3 Tomophobia

The Nightmares cuts through to your inner fears…

Tomophobia – an irrational fear of surgery – can prove to be a particularly powerful phobia. As surgery is most often necessary to remedy some form of ailment or injury, finding oneself unable to confront this fear could cause further physical harm in addition to the psychological trauma associated with tomophobia. It could eventually cause one to avoid needed medical care altogether, jeopardizing the well-being of the victim.

The Mangler may actually be the living embodiment of tomophobia. Working deep within the bowels of NETHERWORLD Haunted House’s The Nightmares, this brilliant surgeon-turned-serial killer is devoid of physical or emotional sensation. He seems to derive some great purpose in life through the search for emotions in the tortured flesh of his victims, performing unspeakable experiments and procedures in the process. Creating a massive army of zombie/cyborg warriors, he now works to defeat the NETHERWORLD invaders so that he may continue to harvest mankind for his gruesome surgical studies.

A repulsive end product of his own machinations, The Mangler knows no mercy. One look at his scarred and mutilated form demonstrates his dedication to his craft. He is relentless in his pursuits, always seeking new subjects with which to further his goals. To know him is to know terror, pure and malevolent. Working alongside the forces of the Illuminati, he now seeks to defend mankind, although his intent is far from benevolent .

His creations wander about NETHERWORLD, hideous and misshapen. They stand as living(?) reminders of the horrifying extent of this madman’s “science”, and serve as a warning to any and all who wish to avoid having their natural forms altered through surgical means. Anyone who feels tomophobia is an irrational fear need look no further than The Mangler for proof that this is one phobia that is completely valid…