My NETHERWORLD Story: Adelaide James

Hi Netherworld people! My name is Adelaide James and my story is short, but not so sweet I guess. I LOVE NETHERWORLD!!! I was always so scared of going to haunted houses but my friends talked me into going. They first time I went I had a panic attack and almost cried and wouldn’t go near any of the creatures in the parking lot. But then I realized how much fun it is getting scared with your friends. So 2 weeks later I went with another group of friends, and I loved going as much as the first time. ALTHOUGH, at the end of DEAD SALVAGE, we got attacked by the chain saw guys. Well….. My friends freaked out, pushed me over onto the ground, trampled me, and ran away. I felt like I was out for about 20 seconds when I wake up and one of the chain saw guys is revving his chain saw in my face. So I get up, and I am mad cause my friends ditched me, look at the guy, say to him,” Don’t start with me!” And I walk away. And that is my Netherworld story!

This is the 15th Anniversary of NETHERWORLD Haunted House and we want to hear YOUR NETHERWORLD Story! Send your experiences to and if we post them on the NETHERWORLD Blog you will receive a special thank you gift. Your story can be any length but we prefer 200-500 words, and include a picture if you have one. Please also include your email and other contact info with the story.