Earths last defenders were being slaughtered. With the eternal darkness of the Blood Night wrapping the world in a fetid mist, gargoyle swarms and other foul monsters continued the hunting and subjugation of the human race. As hordes of evil creatures emerged from the NETHERWORLD, the Illuminati Warriors who opposed them fell swiftly in battle to the savage beasts. Then the most deadly blow of all was struck . With the tolling of ominous bells came the rulers of the NETHERWORLD, the dread NIGHTMARE KINGS! These powerful THINGS seemed at first glance to be little more than gaunt, ancient, fanged and taloned ghouls wrapped in burial shrouds. But they possessed dark powers to warp reality, to change their very forms and summon the living nightmares of any who would dare confront them. Commanding armies of massive war beasts, these specters glided like noxious gray shadows over the landscape, hunting human survivors and feasting on their deepest fears before consuming their souls.

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